Black hawk girls pound a volleyball!!

Students at Blackhawk Middle School will tryout for volleyball on August 16-17 in 2017. The volleyball coach , Mr.Hubley is looking for new elite players for his volleyball team to bring him a championship for this years sport. The girls will work long and hard to try and make this team. Students will be pushed to their limits. The coaches have some very hard critiques for these kids and all of them know how to take it.

The girls that try and make the volleyball team are pushing their self ,working hard, trying their best to impress these coaches who are making them better. The first cut is soon. Looking upon all of these girls our eyes catch one in particular and we pull her to the side she is really good. This girl states that this is her first year trying out for the Blackhawk Middle School, and she makes the first cut. The next day of cuts is pretty harsh. More girls get cut. The one we spoke to last night has gotten cut today . This girl is still really good and was a asset to the team.

Today is the day to pick the team. The day all of these girls have been waiting for.  the girls. One girls states “My stomach is in knots.” These girls sure did bring it. All of these girls deserve it. The team pick was finalized and all the girls were happy even if they didn’t make it , so all in all Blackhawk Middle School Volleyball tryouts were outstanding!

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